
Frauenkirche / Munich

Since 1993, the Open Monument Day has always taken place on the 2nd Sunday in September under the coordination of the German Foundation for Monument Protection. This year, Munich’s Liebfrauendom also participated in this day of action. The Munich Liebfrauendom, widely known as “The Church of Our Lady”, is located in the heart of Munich and put the cathedral’s windows in the spotlight for the Open Monument Day. 

Our generative art installation VITRUM, created for this purpose, brings the windows virtually to the eye level of the visitors. The existing church windows were used as a basis for the installation, so that in the animation the windows of the cathedral virtually melt and emerge anew. Glass is a unique building material that can refract and color light. It is not for nothing that hundreds of years ago people considered exactly where and which coloring of windows made sense in order to create unique lighting moods in cathedrals. 

Cathedral priest Klaus Franzl combined art and music with appropriate texts about the glass art and cathedral organist Ruben Johannes Sturm with appropriate music, which was written especially for the glass art. The livestream of 11.09.2022 for the devotion of the Day of the Open Monument can be viewed on the Youtube channel of the archdiocese.